
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Pope's Exorcist VS The Exorcist: The Beginning

As you may have noticed, I’ve recently written a review of The Exorcist: The Beginning (2004), and not long before that, I had written one of The Exorcist: The Version You’ve Never Seen . Around the time I was writing the more recent review, I finally got to watch The Pope’s Exorcist (2023). I had been wanting to see it since I’d watched the trailer. Sure, there was a possessed kid again, but there were hints of something more. At one point the demon tells the titular exorcist that he had been played and it cuts to… the Pope himself! I was ready for some demonic Vatican intrigue, but unfortunately, the movie had other plans. (Needless to say, there will be SPOILERS ) The Exorcist: The Beginning and The Pope’s Exorcist may look very different, but they suffer from the same big problem - the inability to move beyond the tired possessed child scenario. It’s not that they couldn’t have done it if they had wanted it. Both movies have interesting elements that could’ve easily been turned

The Exorcist: When Merrin Met Pazuzu

As promised , here’s my review of The Exorcist: The Beginning (2004). Warning: SPOILERS . Also, I was feeling extra snarky when I wrote this, so if this is your favourite movie, you probably shouldn’t read this.

Ezra Would Like a Little Less Apocalyptic Mass Destruction, Please

Ezra is back and he still wants to talk to the manager! This time, not only is he much more insistent, but he also gets some proper VIP treatment, which includes a meeting with God + a tour of Heaven and Hell, with a special appearance by the Antichrist. I’m of course referring to the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra (the Jewish version was reviewed here ). According to the edition I’m using, it dates from before 200 AD, and it’s a combination of several texts. By the way, this translation is also from the Scriptural Research Institute, so if there are any issues, you know whom to blame. THE GREEK APOCALYPSE OF EZRA Cry, all you saints and you righteous, for me, who have pleaded much, and who is delivered up to death. Cry for me, all you saints and you righteous, because I have gone to the pit of Hades. The book begins with Ezra suddenly asking God to see his ‘mysteries’ . That seems a little too forward of him. No preliminary praise, no groveling, just Hey, God, show me stuff! Luckily for hi

Curiosity Flayed the Cat

After countless sequels of dubious quality, the Hellraiser franchise decided to reinvent itself with a remake in 2022. The end result was equally dubious, though will likely look like a masterpiece when placed next to the atrociously acted Inferno , which, shockingly, isn’t even considered the worst of the sequels. Warning: SPOILERS .