
Hello, we're The Snarky Cats of Ulthar, digital comic book creators and bloggers. This started out as a spin-off from our main blog and its original tagline was All the Weird Shit That Doesn't Fit in the Other Blog. While that's somewhat accurate, it makes it sound as if it's just a pile of trash assembled by a mad raccoon - it's not. There are 5 categories of posts, which can be seen on the sidebar along with our social media links and other websites.

The Apocalypse (reviews of apocalyptic narratives, from books to movies)

Horror Reviews (film and TV reviews of religious-themed movies)

Bible Snark (humour about religion)

Peter Thiel (reviews of Thiel's essays, speeches, and more)

đŸ¤” (humorous theories about stuff meant as jokes and not to be taken seriously) (really, they're JOKES)

None of this is good enough for Google Search Console, which considering all the crap one usually finds online, it may actually be a compliment. So, thank you for ignoring us, GSC!

You can follow us on:




We still have an Instagram account, but we don't really post there anymore, and due to the Meta AI training crap, we won't be posting any images from our books on Threads apart from the covers.


The Snarky Cats of Ulthar (book, film, and TV reviews plus the occasional random stuff | genres: Horror and Fantasy)

The Weird Cats of Ulthar (book and short story reviews of Weird Fiction, Cosmic Horror, and the Cthulhu Mythos)

The Indie Cats of Ulthar (posts about: our books, original characters, world-building, and more; our experience self-promoting on social media; blogging; and our journey as authors)

AIFAMS Wiki (Google Sites website with information about the world of our series, An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying)

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