
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen (and probably shouldn't bother with)

It may sound weird that someone who enjoys demonic possession movies hasn’t really watched The Exorcist , but it’s true. I wasn’t born yet when the original version came out, but watched The Exorcist: The Version You’ve Never Seen ages ago, recently watched it again, and was surprised at how much I had forgotten. I did read the William Peter Blatty’s book, and even though I haven’t watched any of the sequels, I watched both seasons of the TV show, and also The Exorcist: The Beginning (2004), which I’ll be reviewing in a separate post . The biggest difference between book and movie that I remember standing out to me after watching this version of The Exorcist the first time was how the police detective, Kinderman, seemed to have been dumbed down, when in the book it was more of an act as he quickly seemed to link Chris and Regan to the weird satanic goings-on in the neighbourhood. After the rewatch, I noticed that he does do a lot of investigating, even if not as much. There was, how

Tinfoil Time: Serial Defenestrator?

And we’re back at it . By the second part of the title I’m sure anyone who’s come across this post will have already guessed that it’s about Peter Thiel and his (literally) fallen boytoys. Yes, plural, because now there’s a second one (or third, depending on whether you count that Hispanic model from 2016). By the first part of the title, I hope that any reader will understand that it’s all a joke regardless of whether they find it funny or not. THE SEQUEL The Jeff Thomas Saga got its start with an article in The Intercept, which was followed by another article in the Daily Mail, with a lot of surprisingly knowledgeable anonymous gossipers in between, until it all came to a close with a third article on Puck News. The Zachary Benton Guy Tale skipped the middlemen and jumped right into the cesspool that are anonymous gossip boards with a Datalounge thread that sprouted on the 1st of April, which reached Reddit 2 days later thanks to Radiant-Grape2113. If The Intercept and Daily Mail c