Serial Defenestrator?

And we’re back at it. By the title I’m sure anyone who’s come across this post will have already guessed that it’s about Peter Thiel and his (literally) fallen boytoys. Yes, plural, because now there’s a second one (or third, depending on whether you count that Hispanic model from 2016). I hope that any reader will understand that it’s all a joke regardless of whether they find it funny or not.


The Jeff Thomas Saga got its start with an article in The Intercept, which was followed by another article in the Daily Mail, with a lot of surprisingly knowledgeable anonymous gossipers in between, until it all came to a close with a third article on Puck News. The Zachary Benton Guy Tale skipped the middlemen and jumped right into the cesspool that are anonymous gossip boards with a Datalounge thread that sprouted on the 1st of April, which reached Reddit 2 days later thanks to Radiant-Grape2113. If The Intercept and Daily Mail could at least state that Thomas himself had claimed to have been linked to Thiel, Guy’s connection is made up of who he followed on Instagram and the fact that he supposedly fell off a balcony (I say supposedly because none of the obituaries mentions a cause of death) in Miami, a year and one week after Thomas’s death. Ironically, there’s more than one photograph on Guy’s IG showing him sitting atop high buildings, so a fall is possible and wouldn’t be a particularly suspicious death. The Original Poster of the Datalounge thread says there are ‘unverified reports’ about Guy having been one of Thiel’s sugar babies… and just links to Guy’s obituary. By the way, I googled this a few hours after that thread was started and the only place where anyone was talking about this was, you guessed it, Datalounge. As always, it’s impossible to know exactly how many different people are posting, so the OP, the one that says Thomas followed Guy on Instagram, the other one that says Guy was linked to other suspected Thiel sugar babies, and the other other one that insists several close friends of Thomas confirm the Guy/Thiel connection (none of them providing a shred of evidence, of course), and the other other other one who found an article in English about the death of that Hispanic model, could all be one and the same. And that person could also be the redditor Radiant-Grape2113, who later started a whole new thread specifically about Guy’s alleged suspicious death and ties to Thiel. One of the only 2 people who replied, Wsrunnywatercolors, posted evidence in the form of… a link to the Datalounge thread. It’s like a vicious circle, with 2 sets of unfounded speculation feeding each other! By the way, someone on Datalounge asked if anyone thought Thiel could be trafficking these young men because of course they did. Hey, maybe the initial post was an April Fool’s joke that others decided to hop on. Whatever the truth, it’s spreading.

The same day it cropped up on Reddit, the Zachary Benton Guy Tale also reached notorious blind item site Crazy Days and Nights:

They knew each other. People are not making the connection, but it is right there in the open. Last year, prior to the mysterious death, they were hanging out together in public and were known to discuss their common interest at length. Their common interest is the billionaire. Both had long histories with the billionaire, although the one who died last year had a much longer history than the one who recently died. The one who recently died, also died under very mysterious circumstances. They both died of Putin specials. In between, was the former hockey player who as far as we can determine so far, didn’t know the billionaire but died in the same manner as the others. The former hockey player did know the one who died just a couple of days earlier. It is unknown if he knew the one who died last year.

So, Enty not only keeps pushing the Guy/Thomas connection (now they’re friends who were hanging out in public before Thomas’s death), but he also adds another possible victim. Anyway, I did some googling and I think he’s probably referring to Konstantin Kolstov, who also fell/jumped off a window in Miami. So that would make Guy the third, or possibly fourth person Thiel had defenestrated. I also found news about 2 other hockey players who fell off windows (though not in Miami), so it doesn’t seem that uncommon. And who’s ‘we’? This isn’t a Reader’s Blind. Does Enty have multiple personalities? Hilariously, none of the people in the comments guessed what he was talking about.


This looks like a good spot to describe the Thiel goings-on at Datalounge since the Thomas Saga died down. In general, people don’t seem to give a damn about him apart from making some comments about what a horrible person he is. However, when that Democrat Party-related guy filmed himself having sex in the senate (I think) (it was definitely some place he really shouldn’t have been doing that), a thread ‘innocently’ inquiring about Thiel’s orgies based on an anonymous post from another forum from 2021 popped up. What a funny coincidence. And a post from 2021? Seriously? Most people didn’t know anything, but some (or maybe just one, or maybe it was all the OP) started posting screenshots of IG posts allegedly showing hot, younger guys by Thiel’s pool. This raised some interesting questions that I will mention later on and that probably never occurred to the poster(s). Another funny coincidence? 2021 was when The Contrarian was published… More recently, in tandem with the Zachary Benton Guy Tale, Thiel was mentioned in a thread about the murder of art dealer Brent Sikkema. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people trying to link Thiel to Brazil, though I have no idea why. None of the articles and book portraying him as a Bond villain have anything about it apart from maybe mentioning he has/had a house there, and I doubt very much that they would’ve ignored anything that made him look bad. These social media/online forums hints usually include mentions of Glenn Greenwald and young boys. It was only very recently that I became aware that Greenwald was the journalist who published some of the Wikileaks, well, leaks, but I’m not sure whether that even means anything in relation to Thiel, though he was one of the founders of The Intercept and Shanley Kane called it a PayPal Mafia operation (presumably pre-Thomas Saga).

And now we get to the point where I try to figure out who/what the fuck is behind these defenestrations.


It appears that Peter Thiel is going around throwing former sugar babies and their friends off windows. And it always happens in Miami. Look, I know I’ve managed to find several ways to call Thiel a complete idiot, but this seems a bit much. Why would he not only kill Guy in the exact same way he killed Thomas, but also do it so close to the anniversary of Thomas’s death? Would Thiel, a billionaire with enough resources to hire the best assassins in the world, really have 2 more people killed in the exact same way after the Thomas Saga? Is it some elaborate Straussian riddle? Or did he expect people to think no one would be that dumb and therefore not suspect him? Holy shit, he is that dumb!😯


You know, it’s interesting that Enty called those deaths ‘the Putin special’ because Russians are the ones that have a tendency to fall off windows. And Thiel was asked to meet with Putin twice and twice he refused. What did Putin want with him? Was it because of his Trump ties? His wealth? His connection to Palantir, which is a contractor for more than one government and handles sensitive data (I think)? Killing Thiel would be a little obvious (not that Putin seems to care about subtlety), but going after people connected to him would work perfectly as a threat, or as a way to ruin his reputation and diminish his power and influence. I’m not sure how the hockey player fits into all of this, but he was Russian… Occam’s Razor: the Russians love having people defenestrated + Thomas, Guy, Kolstov all died after falling off windows = the Russians did it!😯


Thiel is under so much scrutiny that it’s hard to believe he could be going around defenestrating people. After all, everyone is looking at him… but no one is looking at his husband! It’s like people acknowledge his existence but never really take his presence into account when theorizing about Thiel’s life. Maybe he’s the one throwing former sugar babies and their hockey player friends off windows and Thiel is too busy coming up with more unintelligible metaphors for his next speech to notice!😯 Come to think about it, why didn’t anyone find anything about those orgies and sugar babies (the exception being that brief paragraph in The Contrarian) between that 2011 party disaster and Thomas? That’s highly suspicious. Maybe Max Chafkin isn’t an incompetent buffoon who deserves to be followed around by a Shame Nun to remind the world of his failure - maybe he, Gawker, et al were simply looking in the wrong direction! What if it’s the husband having the affairs while Thiel is going around complaining about those Stanford Multiculturalists, meeting with MAGA idiots, and generating enough secondhand embarrassing to light up a small country? And then when they threaten to snitch or come up with schemes to monetize their connection, off they go. It’s probably why the deaths are so one note. The husband doesn’t have as much money of his own and may have more difficulty moving large sums without anyone noticing, so he could only afford some discount assassin.


An interesting detail about Thiel that often gets overlooked when people start ranting about his bizarro Right wing views is that he’s managed to annoy everyone across the American political spectrum, including his former MAGA buddies. Remember that he said Trump asked for his support in April of 2023 and was furious when he refused? Trump doesn’t seem like a very forgiving person. It started with that Puck News article, which, when you think about it, managed to take shots at both the ‘progressive activists’ who broke the story by revealing their unsavory methods, and Thiel by quoting so-called friends and associates that, in the guise of defending him, actually confirmed the never confirmed relationship with Thomas. I’ve since noticed a couple of lame blind items that were obviously about him trying to paint him as predatory in the wake of the FBI informant reveal, and also blame him for a future crash of the real estate market (with a little help from a Left wing politician who at that moment was being repeatedly mentioned by MAGA supporters on Twitter) (something to do with contesting elections or something) (no, I don’t care enough to check). The Thomas onslaught from last year wasn’t exactly subtle, but after Puck News, the lack of finesse of those blind items, and now this attempt at a sequel, one wonders if there may be yet another organized political group taking shots at Thiel. One that didn’t bother coming up with their own plot and thinks all you have to do is throw out a few names and unverifiable claims and people will believe it because people are gullible and think Trump is a genius businessman who’s secretly working with a not dead JFK to stop the lizard people elites from harvesting baby blood. Also, remember who Trump is chummy with? That’s right - Putin (see The Putin Special).😯


The Right isn’t the only one that has a loony fringe problem, but theirs comes with a ready-made historical comparison with worldwide recognition. Both extremes can be equally vile, obnoxious, dictatorial, and prone to believing conspiracy theories as long as they align with their beliefs. The biggest issue at the moment for the extreme Left is the Israel/Palestine war and guess whom Palantir has a contract with - the IDF!😯 Radiant-Grape2113 posted their thread on a sub-Reddit called Thiel Watch, which is dedicated to keep tabs on Thiel because he’s the harbinger of the Apocalypse and will lead Humanity to its DOOM with his evil plans. Wsrunnywatercolors, who’s a moderator there, has a history of almost exclusively, very aggressive, anti-Thiel posts (including one about the Palantir/IDF connection I didn’t know about) (thank you, Wsrunnywatercolors). These don’t look like Right-wingers or even Centre Left - they seem like those people who glue themselves to the ground, interrupt traffic during rush hour, and threaten not to vote for Biden even though that would help Trump be elected. It makes sense that they’d think all they had to do was declare their little story and everyone would believe them and go into an anti-Thiel frenzy that would… I don’t know, take down Palantir and deprive the IDF of an important resource? (As I’ve written before, I have no idea what Palantir does, but it’s likely important if they’re getting lots of money for it) Something tells me they didn’t think that far ahead, but then shitposters are all about shock and awe.


All the talk about the young men in Thiel’s circle got me wondering. According to Datalounge and other anonymous gay gossip boards, they’re basically professional sugar babies, who all run in the same exclusive circles, enjoying gifts and favours from wealthy gay men. So, unless they have some exclusivity contract with Thiel, he wouldn’t be the only sugar daddy, now would he? So maybe Thomas and Guy did have a sugar daddy in common… and it wasn’t Thiel!😯 What better way to get rid of some unruly sugar babies than having them killed and pin the murder on someone everyone hates and whose love of privacy actually makes it easier for people to believe everything said about him because there’s no known information to contradict it? Maybe instead of focusing only on Thomas and Guy, people should be looking for mutual acquaintances between them and Kolstov, and see which one would have a reason to kill all 3 of them and a love of defenestration.


Several paragraphs ago, I mentioned all those screenshots of IG posts supposedly showing a bunch of those alleged professional sugar babies by Thiel’s pool. I think the oldest post I saw was from 2014? I don’t really remember. Do you know who doesn’t appear in those screenshots apart from Thiel? Jeff Thomas. The Intercept stated that (an indeterminate number of) anonymous sources confirmed having seen Thomas at Thiel’s house, but then if he has no problem with letting his younger guests take photos and post them on a public social media platform, you’d expect some evidence of Thomas’s presence. But there’s nothing until the New Year’s Eve party in 2022, nor did Thomas say anything about having been forced to delete photos or been forbidden to take them. So, Thiel invited his former sugar baby to a party at his home where his husband would be present after he had admitted to talking to people actively working to destroy him + their journalist friend, and let him take photos thus providing the until then missing evidence of their knowing each other? Seriously? That feels a little unbelievable. And of course, keep in mind that Thiel doesn’t appear in any of these photographs with any of these young men, including Thomas.

Even odder is that, despite the Daily Mail’s assertion that their relationship was an open secret in the exclusive Miami circles Thiel is part of (or was, because according to an interview for The Atlantic, he and his family currently live in Los Angeles), their own evidence contradicts it. Think about it, there was no mention of Thiel or even of an older benefactor in the articles the Daily Mail had published about Thomas’s death prior to their New Year’s Eve fight scoop, and that was clearly handed to them by the ‘progressive activists’. And this was a fight The Intercept should’ve known about because Thomas going to the party was mentioned in their article. The Daily Mail also added screenshots of a text exchange between one of Thomas’s friends and his ex boyfriend, in which the friend, who was at the party, mentions nothing about a fight between Thiel and his husband, merely saying that he wondered why Thomas had been there because the husband didn’t know who he was. This tells me 2 things: one, Thiel’s husband didn’t start yelling at him about Thomas being there, because if he didn’t know who he was, he wouldn’t know about their relationship and therefore would have no reason to make a scene; two, the husband is very much involved with those parties, something everyone seems to ignore. Though it’s interesting that he even mentioned not knowing him. Was it maybe a case of doth protest too much (see Invisible Man)? On top of this, the party guest is surprised to learn of the Thomas/Thiel relationship, which is revealed by the ex boyfriend, who had only been told about it recently by Thomas himself. Look, maybe the party guest is one of those people who always finds themselves outside of gossip circles, but if Thomas being/having been a Thiel sugar baby was that well known, wouldn’t someone who got invited to one of Thiel’s parties and is on a first name basis with him and his husband have known about it or at least suspected there was something going on between them? If this is a Miami friend, then it was not an open secret in Miami. If this is a California friend, it’s even worse, because wasn’t Thomas supposedly seen at Thiel’s place more than once? How could he possibly not have known?

When you look at it, apart from those anonymous sources, the people confirming the relationship are only repeating what Thomas told them. And if the people involved in this organized effort to take down Thiel were willing to pay a lot of money to anyone willing to talk, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that they might’ve paid people to lie. We don’t even know how many anonymous sources there were, only that they were more than 1. They could’ve been as little as 2! Sure, there’s the house and the car and that’s a paper trail leading directly to Thiel… if you take the journalists’ words for it. There are no photographs of any of this paperwork, and none of them explains what kind of verification was made. Surely they (The Intercept, Daily Mail, Puck News) all independently verified those papers, right? Right? Though, given that, in 2019, the Daily Mail published ‘exclusive documents’ about Bryan Singer’s 2014 lawsuit that had already been published by Buzzfeed in 2014, I’m not sure I can trust their verification skills. Also, Thomas must’ve had the most discrete friends ever, considering none of them took to social media to share his anger at the ‘progressive activists’ or The Intercept, and instead patiently waited for the Puck News journalist to come along. That Thomas failed to provide any intimate details of Thiel, describe any of their more meaningful interactions (like, say, when he proposed the arrangement in the first place) apart from the ridiculous Doesn’t Like Dogs bit, or even something as simple as how does Thiel, usually so reserved and socially awkward in public, behave at these ‘raucous parties’ doesn’t help his credibility. Oh, but what about that university student that Thiel invited to an orgy? Well, his evidence were screenshots of the conversation, and those can be faked. Not to mention that university usually means student loans… Also, it’s strange that he wasn’t asked whether he had attended the party. Wouldn’t that have been the obvious question? Sure, according to The Intercept, that was Thiel’s phone number, but how did they verify that and why wasn’t the verification method included in the article? Wait, was all that bullshit? Is that why it was all so vague and date-free? Do I owe Max Chafkin an apology for all the mean things I wrote about him?😯 How awkward. Good thing no one reads this blog.


Was Thomas meant to be a honey trap, placed in an expensive house near Thiel’s, but it didn’t work so he had no real information on Thiel to share apart from very generic stuff? Did he turn up at the New Year’s Eve party as a plus 1 because it was decided that there was need of some evidence of a connection? Let’s face it, the people who benefitted the most from Thomas’s death were the ‘progressive activists’. After all, dead honey traps tell no tales. Also, an alive Thomas would have been expected to answer questions and give more details, details he might not have had. How long until he pointed the finger at the masterminds of the whole thing? Then again, maybe someone else set up the honey trap and then decided to use the ‘progressive activists’ to finish the hit on Thiel. Maybe Guy was one of those anonymous sources who confirmed his fake story and was thinking about spilling the beans. And what better way to tie up a loose end than throwing him off a window and pin it on Thiel again? But who would do that? Could it have been a certain vindictive former President unhappy with a former ally’s waning support + disappearing act during the previous election? One who also has friends who are into defenestration? Holy shit, it was the MAGA Republicans all along! And the Russians! And the 'progressive activists'!😯


And that’s it because I’ve run out of theories. I will not be coming back to this unless someone gets arrested for murder.

Edited to add: the post was originally published without links, but since it's all such a big pile of stupid and I didn’t want people to think I was making it up (the current online discussion, not my theories), I decided to add them. However, now it looks like I'm actually reporting on this shit, which I'm not and it's embarrassing. Well, it's not as if anyone is going to read this, so...

By Danforth

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